Dividend payout CHDVD in 2024

One year ago I estimated the dividend payout for 2023 for the ETF iShares CHDVD in 2023 in this blog. On the one hand it is a good point to look back and check how well the estimate has forecasted the real outcome. On the other hand, it is a good time to make an … Read more

Dividend payout estimation for iShares CHDVD in 2023

So what dividend payout can we expect from the ETF CHDVD in 2023? Last July I reported about the dividend growth of the ETF CHDVD which track the SPI Select Dividend 20 from SIX in this blog entry. I reported that this ETF paid out 4.94 CHF/share in 2022. iShares has announced a total of … Read more

Dividend growth of iShares Swiss Dividend ETF

I quite like the ETF from iShares called Swiss Dividend ETF as I have written in my first blog post one year ago here. Since I am in the process of predicting the inflow from cash of dividends I was also curious to see how the the dividend of this ETF evolved over time. iShares … Read more

Estimate dividend growth: Outlier rejection

In the analysis of part II of the estimation of dividend growth we could see that there are two different maxima in terms of best filtering techniques that appear to perform best estimating next year’s dividend growth when using the root mean square deviation as a measure to compare the different techniques. The two maxima … Read more

Estimate dividend growth rate in the future part II

In the last blog entry Estimate dividend growth rate in the future part I different averaging technics were showed to estimate the next year’s dividend growth rate. In the figure below you can see again the rolling estimates for the dividend growth based on simple averaging (grey line) vs the real measured dividend growth rate … Read more

Estimate dividend growth rate in the future part I

At the beginning of the year when I started to review my personal financial budget for 2022, I asked myself how the income that stems from dividends is going to develop in the new year. Clearly, I could model the additional dividends that I can collect from the additional investments I am going to make … Read more

Looking under the hood of the SPI Select Dividend 20

Is it pure magic or not? A few months back when I checked out the iShares Swiss Dividend Select ETF, I asked myself continuously how exactly did they end up with those constituents and what are the underlying rules for the weighting of the components. In the below table table you can find the constituents … Read more

Why I fell in love with the SPI Select Dividend 20 Index?

It’s true that true love might be an exaggeration. However, as a Swiss investor I seek to invest a least a certain part of my investments in the Swiss market. On top of that I have a certain believe that investing in dividend yielding companies has advantages that I want to reap. The figure below … Read more