I am a financial enthusiast and excited by learning and applying new concepts. I am in my early thirties. Since I have bought my first stocks at an age of 18 years, I have been able to acquire a lot of knowledge in the financial market. Clearly, I have made a lot of mistakes when it comes down to investment decisions. However, the passion to move on and learn has never faded since then. The purpose of this blog is to share ideas and concepts in the domain of finance.
What I do for a living
Currently, I am working in a tech start up. My background is in the field of engineering. Often I have worked on the software side of our product. However, I have been lucky enough to be also exposed to a fair amount of hardware. The technical education has definitely helped me understand and adopt new concepts in the financial world.
My life motto
When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.
Throughout my late twenties I suffered some setbacks on the health side. Those periods showed me that there is one way and one way only out of it: A Positive Mindset. I know it sounds easy and obvious. However, if you are down and the simple things become really hard and insurmountable it can start to feel more difficult and testing. On the other hand, once you accept that this mindset is the only real way to come out stronger it makes it simpler to hash out your next steps and generating momentum. I think everyone of us experienced resistances and difficult situations in life be it on the job, school, love or health. I believe every challenging situation offers a variety of opportunities such that one comes out stronger and more wise. I believe that positive attitude can overcome big obstacles. In the end what matters is that you should always seek to maximize your happiness with what is available to you personally.

Why I write this blog
I personally have benefited a lot of other bloggers knowledge in the past. I believe there is nothing better than to share what you have learnt to others and make available what helped you in life. Here in this blog I try to write about thoughts and analysis I have done with regards to different aspects of investing. I hope some interested readers will find it useful in order to make more informed decisions.